Category Archives: News

Seville European Film Festival 2014

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painter Curro González evokes Fellini for this year’s edition of the SEFF

Friday November 7 sees the beginning of the 11th edition of the Sevilla European Film Festival, an annual celebration of the best of European cinema, which will run until November 15. It’s a meeting place for professionals from all parts of the industry – writers, critics, actors and producers – as well as for the public, who have an opportunity to see something of the film world in action away from its most commercial aspects, and to interact with film-makers in forums and round tables.

The core of the festival is the competitions for best films by categories. Most important is the official section award, the Gold Giraldillo, won last year by Alain Guiraudie’s Stranger by the Lake, but there also documentaries, short films and new-wave sections, among others, and awards for best actors, directors and scripts. Nominations for the European Film Academy Awards are also made during the festival. In addition there are lots of special screenings, retrospectives and tributes, and cinema for children and young people to foster both imagination and critical perception.

Principal venues are the Teatro Lope de Vega, Teatro Alameda, Cines Nervión Plaza and CineZona Sevilla Este, and the full program can be found here.

If you’re here for the whole week it’s well worth renting one of our apartments, and giving yourself a comfortable base for all your sightseeing and film-going.

Ley de Turismo de Andalucía

Muchos propietarios de apartamentos nos preguntan sobre la legislación existente en España, y en particular en Andalucía. Desde veoapartment intentamos informarles de los hechos y de lo ocurrido. Por lo siguiente, nuestra valoración, en orden cronológico.

HASTA 2011
La ley de Turismo de Andalucía incluía la forma jurídica de la “vivienda turística vacacional”. Era obligatorio el registro de estas viviendas en el Registro de Turismo de Andalucía (RTA) para ejercer una actividad turística.

La época de un comportamiento desleal y hostil de la Junta de Andalucía, por los siguientes hechos:

  • La Junta deroga la ley antigua. En la nueva Ley de Turismo de Andalucía 13/2011  NO son mencionadas las anteriores viviendas turísticas vacacionales
  • La Junta NO informa a los propietarios anteriormente registrados
  • La Junta denuncia a muchos propietarios con amenaza de multa hasta 18.000 Euros
  • Por la situación de alegalidad y enfrentamientos con la Junta de Andalucía, los propietarios afectados crean la Asociación de Viviendas de Uso Turístico de Andalucía (APARTSUR) para defender sus derechos

El día 2 de Febrero 2014, el consejero de Turismo de la Junta de Andalucía, Rafael Rodríguez, anuncia, a través de una entrevista en “El Mundo”, que “La Junta regulará la explotación turística de viviendas privadas” y que esto se hará “antes del próximo verano”.

Desde veoapartment esperamos que este anuncio ponga fin a las denuncias soportadas por los propietarios, y que pronto podrán ejercer su actividad dentro de un marco legal. Recomendamos a los propietarios de Andalucía hacerse socio en Apartsur. Uno de los propósitos de la asociación es minimizar los esfuerzos burocráticos para poder ejercer la actividad, y que la regulación de las viviendas de uso turístico sea dentro del marco Europeo.

Recientemente, la incompatibilidad de una ley autonómica Española con la ley Europea, en el sector del alojamiento turístico, provocó un fallo del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Canarias a favor de los propietarios de los establecimientos turísticos. Los jueces se basaron en la Directiva 2006/123/CE del Parlamento Europeo.

Directiva 2006/123/CE del Parlamento Europeo (también llamado “Directiva Bolkestein”)
Artículo 9
Regímenes de autorización
1. Los Estados miembros solo podrán supeditar el acceso a una actividad de servicios y su ejercicio a un régimen de autorización cuando se reúnan las siguientes condiciones:

c) el objetivo perseguido no se puede conseguir mediante una medida menos restrictiva, en concreto porque un control a posteriori se produciría demasiado tarde para ser realmente eficaz.

Granada | Noche en Blanco (White Night)

noche en blanco granadaNoches en blanco cultural festivals, “White Nights” (the name comes originally from the midsummer festival in St Petersburg) have become something of a feature in Spain over the last couple of years, and this year Granada is holding one for the first time, starting on the evening of Saturday, October 19 and continuing into the early hours of Sunday.

The city’s streets and squares will play host to a busy programme of open air theatre, live music, shows and activities for children, and many shops, small businesses and bars will also be staying open into the small hours. A number of monuments and museums, including the Cathedral and Royal Chapel, the Alhambra Museum and the Arab Baths are also extending opening hours (generally until midnight), and there are also special walks and tours exploring various aspects of the city’s history and culture.

Granada is one of Spain’s most magical cities, especially around the Alhambra Hill, the Albaicin, River Darro and the Realejo, and La Noche en Blanco represents an unusual opportunity to see it from another perspective, and do a bit of extra exploring.

There’s something for everyone, young and old, from poetry to sport and after midnight tapas to haunted houses. To see what’s in store see the full list of all the night’s activities.

For some great apartments in the heart of the city and the thick of the action, have a look at our Loft apartments in Santa Ana Street, or the Carmen Terraces in Almanzora Alta Street.

A Warm Welcome to the New Team Member

marie (1)Veoapartment has added a new member to the office team that works to give its customers the best possible holiday rental experience.

Marie is from Alsace in France, and her role will be to handle bookings and general enquiries for our French clients in particular, update new apartment descriptions in French on the veoapartment website, and produce translations of our information pages.

We’re happy to welcome Marie on board, and look forward to working with her.


Seville | Our New Information Pages

We’ve been working hard to create some informative and interesting pages on our website about what to see and do in Seville. You can find descriptions of the different barrios (neighbourhoods) with maps, photos and videos, as well as things to do and where to eat. We have also included a section on the additional services we offer you at veoapartment.

We hope this will help you to enjoy your stay in Seville and would love to hear your feedback. Did you find them useful? Is there anything else you’d like us to add?

Seville Information Pages